An aspiring writer may not have a lot of money with which to promote his or her writing. In fact many look to contests and competitions as a way of getting published with little or no investment. When you are working on a tight budget, paying for professional manuscript editing may seem like an extravagance, but the stronger the competition is, the more of a necessity it is to get your manuscript into top shape. Even opportunities that do not pay a lot of money are likely to have a lot of entrants, because they represent the chance to gain recognition. No matter how good your writing is, professional manuscript editing can give you the competitive edge you need to stand out from the crowd.
Most of the readers who see your manuscript will be looking for something more than just correct spelling and a good story line. They want to know that you have an in-depth understanding of your subject matter, a professional grasp on narrative technique, and a strong writing style. Some competitions will also provide strict guidelines you will need to follow in order to enter your manuscript. While a proofreading service can address the grammar and punctuation issues, our professional editors can delve more deeply into your manuscript in order to determine where you need to make changes and to provide you with the feedback you need regarding what changes to make.
DLA Editors and Proofers offer flexible professional manuscript editing intended to give you all the right choices. Our quality editing and proofreading services and moderate prices give you options that you don’t get from other editing and proofreading companies. We make it affordable to prepare your manuscript for submission—as well as offer the option to finance your project—in order to help you get the most out of your proofreading and editing budget.