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How Personal Statement Revisions Help

A medical residency personal statement may be only a few paragraphs long, but it is vital for anyone applying for a medical residency program. Unlike the role of a CV or resume, its purpose is to tell not what your experiences have been, but how they have shaped you. It gives program directors the opportunity to learn who you are in a way that no other part of your ERAS application can. Unlike your list of test scores, education and any other experiences you have had, this document is personal. For that reason, many candidates mistakenly believe they don’t need professional editing and critique of their medical residency personal statement. This could not be farther from the truth.

At DLA Editors and Proofers, we use a proprietary methodology to help you achieve the most successful medical residency personal statement. With it, we have achieved a 100% match rate across the thousands of clients who have come to us for assistance.  The approach we use is personal, professional and  informed.  It is personal in that we tailor our work to the individual needs of each unique personal statement. It is professional in that we use our experience of having reviewed thousands of personal statements to know exactly what is needed to make your story stand out.  It is informed because we have interviewed the program directors and attending physicians who will be reading your medical residency personal statement to know exactly what they are looking for.  It does not matter whether you are an international medical graduate, have low USMLE scores, have a substantial gap in your training, or have even been dismissed from a medical residency program.  We know how to help you narrate your story in the most compelling manner possible, regardless of the barriers.

Our medical residency personal statement revision, critique and consultation services are provided by a staff of in-house personal statement experts. They have both the training and experience that allows them to help you stay away from what everyone else is writing, while still using your voice and style, to guide you in achieving the most successful personal statement for you.  Even those with extensive medical experience cannot help you write a better personal statement than we can.

Posted in  Applicants
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