Resources > How to Use Tracked Changes
How to Use Tracked Changes
For all editing and proofreading services, we return your document with changes tracked in the document to make it easy for you to see our suggested corrections and comments.
We track our changes using the:
Track Changes feature of Microsoft® Word
Highlight Text, Note and Strike-Through tools for PDFs
Microsoft Word Track Changes
For help using Track Changes in MS Word, please see the user guide that corresponds with your version of Word:
Using Word on a Mac?
For macOS, newer versions, try this help page from Microsoft.
For macOS 2011, try this page.
Don't Have Microsoft Word?
Try using Open Office or another software that supports MS Word's Track Changes feature.
Using an iPhone, iPad or Android Device?
For iPhones and iPads, try the Office Plus app.
For Android devices, try the WPS Office app.
Tracked Changes in PDF
In PDFs, we predominantly use the Highlight Text tool. We default to using yellow for the highlghting color. However, we may use another color like green if the yellow color is not visible due to the page background color. To see our recommendations, hover your mouse over the highlighted item or double-click it.
In addition, we may use the Note tool to place notes where items cannot be highlighted, or to indicate a comment for an area of a page rather than a selected text. To see our recommendations, hover your mouse over the note icon or double-click it.
We may use the Strike-Through tool to indicate items to be deleted. This puts a red line through the item to be deleted. If we are providing a comment on the strike-through, we will do so with either the Highlight Text or Note tool.
Not Sure Which PDF Software to use?
If you have trouble seeing our recommendations, try using Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader, both of which are available for free.
You are not just another customer, and your document is not just another manuscript. We take your work personally. Our editors are hand picked, tested rigorously and dedicated to getting it right and on time.
Still have questions? See a list of our frequently asked questions or give us a call at 877-454-4957.