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Spell What You Mean, Mean What You Spell

Little is more imperative to your personal and professional success than writing with excellent spelling and grammar.  From critical first impressions to important ongoing relationships, not only what you write but also how you write it can make all the difference.  It can determine how people view you or the organization you represent, and it can solve or create problems, sometimes with the change of only a single letter.

Knowing how to spell correctly is vital to your professional image. One simple spelling error in an email to a client or a note for a co-worker can cause others to doubt your knowledge and abilities. Basic grammar and spelling skills are expected in any job. If you demonstrate the improper use of a word or continually leave misspelled words in a report, you are likely to be passed over for a promotion or a major project.

Misspellings can also lead to horrible miscommunication. If you misspell some common words, such as “six” and “sex,” you run the risk that others will misinterpret your meaning. This could lead to something not getting done or to someone being offended by your words.

To maintain positive relationships with acquaintances and co-workers, you need to check your spelling carefully on anything you write. Always read over something you've written. If you're unsure if you have used the right spelling, refer to a dictionary or professional editor or proofreader.


Posted in  Professionals
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